
Following in the esteemed tradition of the Lahey Clinic Bulletin, published between 1938 and 1983, the Lahey Journal is a new, open access, interdisciplinary, double-blind, peer reviewed journal established in 2022 by the present-day Lahey Clinic Foundation. It is intended to support the Lahey academic mission through publication of original scholarly work on innovations in clinical care, health care delivery, interprofessional education and wellbeing, and continuous quality improvement.

Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2024)

Case Reports


Severe Vitamin B12 deficiency presenting with pseudo-thrombotic microangiopathy and anasarca
Aleksandra Kolnick, Polly Fraga, Jing-Lun James XU, and Muhammad Awidi


Subtalar Dislocation with Isolated Talonavicular Dislocation – A Unique Case
Yaser Rahim, Naveen Pattisapu, and Maxwell C. Alley

Original Research


What are the Lessons Learned from a Survivorship Trial during the Pandemic?
Alanna Horowitz, Sharneet Sandhu, Sherry Guo, Gabriel Barreto-D'Silva, Leonardo Barreto-D'Silva, and Krishna Gunturu


Comparing Testosterone Suppression in Intramuscular and Subcutaneous Leuprolide Acetate Formulations
Annalise McDonald, Kali Sullivan, Cara Cloghessy, Benjamin Sweigart, and Brendan Connell

Clinical Innovation


Image Quality Analysis of Head CTs Obtained on a New Portable Scanner Compared to Stationary CT
Mara M. Kunst, Juan E. Small, Sebastian Flacke, Joseph D. Burns, Maximilian Smith, and Christoph Wald


Cover art